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Ecover — Rewearing is Caring

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Ecover: Rewearing is Caring

Making every wash less wasteful

Ecover’s “Rewearing is Caring” campaign, developed by Manifest, transformed the launch of its new laundry capsules into a movement for sustainable living.
Rooted in Ecover’s mission to “Make Every Wash Less Wasteful,” the campaign encouraged consumers to wash less and care for their clothes better, highlighting how small, sustainable actions can have a significant environmental impact. At its core was a collaboration with Lily Cole, a supermodel and climate activist whose values perfectly align with Ecover’s sustainability ethos.

The Challenge

Help re-establish Ecover as the leading green cleaning brand where transparency and great products combine to give the consumer a more informed and thoughtful choice.

Instead of pushing product we focused on bringing to life the brand's mission, to make every wash less wasteful. We developed a creative campaign ‘Rewearing is Caring’ encouraging consumers to wear their clothes more and wash them less, by caring for the clothes they own and by giving pre-loved clothing a second life. 

Our Approach

Rewearing is Caring earned attention with a campaign that subverted expectations – a laundry brand telling people to wash less. Tapping into a cultural conversation at a relevant time, engaging audiences in support of the brand mission to make every wash less wasteful. The campaign made people feel like part of a movement by showing them that a small change in behaviour, something that is often dismissed as a drop in the ocean, contributes to a wave of change.

The campaign was underpinned with thought leadership, The Home ECOnomics Report, in partnership with Falmouth University, the first in an annually updated report housed on the brands website.  The report takes a deep dive into the cultural and psychological drivers behind how, when and why we wash our clothes so that we can better understand our habits and their environmental impact and take greener steps for the good of the planet.

We also partnered with model and environmental advocate Lily Cole to capture a series of standout stills, social content and take part in a series of media interviews fighting wasteful washing habits by celebrating good ones, including the humble laundry chair where clothes go to air.

The media launch was timed with Secondhand September and Sustainable London Fashion Week tapping into the cultural conversation.

The campaign culminated with The Capsule Collection, a pop-up thrift store curated by Lily Cole and Charity Super.Mkt followed by a panel discussion, ‘Rewearing is Caring: Making Every Wash Less Wasteful’; informed by the report and chaired by Lily with panellists Dr. Cui Su, Head of Advertising at Falmouth University & Head researcher of our Home ECOnomics report, Wayne Hemingway, Co-founder of Charity Super.Mkt & HemingwayDesign and Andrea Cheong, Author of Why Don’t I Have Anything To Wear? & Host of the ‘Fashion Our Future’ podcast.

The Reaction

The impact of the Rewearing is Caring campaign on Ecover’’s brand journey was profound, showcasing the power of PR and brand storytelling in driving tangible results.

We helped established credibility via coverage on some of the most prominent titles such as The Guardian, Daily Express, The Handbook, LBC. Overall, we secured 72 pieces of coverage and sparked nationwide conversation on Reddit and TikTok.  Most importantly, we stayed true to our mission of changing behaviour around laundry habits, one wash at a time.



Pieces of coverage


Organic social content play


Shoppers at the Capsule Collection


Donation to Charity Super.Mkt


UK public washing their clothes too often, says major laundry brand

The Guardian

You Won’t Want To Miss Lily Cole’s New Fashion Pop-Up – Here’s Why

The Hand Book

The Rewear Chair is an "organised and stylish" take on the humble laundry chair


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